Friday, December 10, 2010

The big "C"

 It’s just a word but it causes such fear when you hear it.  The doctor calls and says “you have CANCER.”  It’s the news that none of us ever wants to hear.  My journey with the “C” word has begun and I will battle it with all the strength I have.   What I know at this point is that I have Stage 1 cervical cancer so a radical hysterectomy is the next step.  I am grateful that I didn’t ignore the voice in my head that made me go for a routine pap. 
I am on my way to the hospital for blood work today.  A CT scan is scheduled on Monday and on Thursday I see the oncologist. 
It’s Christmas and I am having a hard time getting with the holiday spirit but I know that God will see me through this journey. 
I know this is supposed to be a sewing blog but for now sewing is taking a backseat in my life.
 More to come…

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What I did this weekend

I didn't do any sewing this weekend. But I did go to the movie. As you might guess from the picture above, I went to see Secretariat. I loved it! It it a movie that the whole family can go to without hesitation. I loved that it opened and ended with a Biblical passage from the Book of Job. Now, I have to admit...I am a tad biased about this movie. My neice's husband, Otto, plays the part of the jockey Ron Turcott in the movie. Otto is a jockey in real life and he did a great job in the movie. If you have the opportunity to see Secretariat, you won't be disappointed. It is a "feel good" movie, for sure.

I did start (several times!) a new knitting project that is a real stretch for my novice knitting ability. When I get further along, I will try to post a picture. It is an adorable shawl collared cowl.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

No Sewing!

My sewing mojo is missing. Has anyone seen it?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's True! 60 is the new 40!

Who says you have to get old? This 60 something is not giving in to the date on her birth certificate. Take a look at what I wore to work today..."stolen" from my younger sister's closet when I visited her last weekend. I think I said..."I'll break them in for you"...maybe!

They are solid black. They don 't have any yellow streaks like it looks like in the picture. I couldn't get a good picture of them on my feet with my cell phone camera that showed the bottom and the heel. But I am wearing them! Aren't they cute! Maybe she will forget I have them!

Oh, and one of the guys at work noticed them and took a picture to email to his wife. He said that she is going to want a pair!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Sewing Room

I've been trying to make my sewing studio in the house out back a place that is more inviting in hopes of spending more time there. Like...doing some sewing, maybe! After all, Christmas is only 4 months away! Yikes!

I have stored most of my fabric stash in clear, plastic bins in the "avalanche" room. More about that in a later post. There is still some clutter to organize but it looks so much better. I have made covers for all my sewing machines to protect them from dust and light. I made matching valances, a chair pad and a matching ironging board cover. I am pleased with the look. The fabric is home dec fabric I got earlier this year when had a big $1.95 per yard sale. I really like it. It coordinates with the table skirts.

Inside the 1950s era sewing cabinet is the Pfaff 130 I learned to sew on. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a motor anymore. It was my mom's machine and years ago the motor died. Maybe someday I will be able to find someone to install a new one and rewire it. It holds a special place in my heart.

I am taking a couple of PTO days this week along with the 3 day holiday weekend. That's a 5 day sewcation. Can't wait...

Monday, August 30, 2010

What's in the mailbox?

Today was my lucky day! This is what was in my mailbox when I got home from work!

Three sewing magazines in one day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Too Hot to Sew!

Here in NW Louisiana it's been so hot for the past month that it's just too hot to sew. It's almost 8 PM and the temperature is still 102.2 degrees. That means the heat index is between 105 and 110.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I have a new camera!

I had given up on taking picture of the things I have sewn because the point and shoot camera I had took such awful pictures.

A couple of weeks ago we had a special event at work and I used my camera to take pictures. They were such poor quality that I was embarassed to use them. So...I decided it was time to take the plunge and buy a "real" camera. This is what I bought.

It's a navy Pentax Kx and I love it. The picture quality is great. I really need to learn to use some of the features it has.
Now that I have a good camera I hope to be a better blogger and show some of the things I have made.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Laissez les bon temps rouler

There is joy in the Big Easy and all of the Bayou State tonight! The Saints win the Super Bowl and it's Mardi Gras! Let the party begin!